Resource Docking

We possess high-quality business resources and rich experience in organizing group travel. Thanks to rich resources of overseas business activities, we have been organizing business groups to pay overseas visits for a long term.

Industry Exchange

We can accurately meet business demands of domestic visiting groups thanks to our long-term cooperation with relevant government departments and national and regional business associations, including the American Chamber of Commerce in the People's Republic of China, European Union Chamber of Commerce in China, Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry in China, and Hong Kong Chamber of Commerce in China.

Travel Route Planning

We provide considerate travel plans customized for a business visit after having a better understanding of travel demands. According to local social customs and habits, we will offer you the most reasonable plan for your flight, accommodation, meals, and transportation, enabling you to enjoy remarkable customized service.

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Exhibition Co.,Ltd.
Times International Conference &
Exhibition Co.,Ltd.Shanghai Branch
Times International Conference &
Exhibition Co.,Ltd.
TEL:+86 10 64462175 TEL:+86 21 64705398 TEL:+86 755 88374958
FAX:+86 10 64462177 FAX:+86 21 64705383 FAX:+86 755 88374959
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